OpenAI’s ChatGPT app tops 500K downloads in just 6 days

Despite being U.S.- and iOS-only ahead of today’s expansion to 11 more global markets, OpenAI’s ChatGPT app has been off to a stellar start. The app has already surpassed half a million downloads in its first six days since launch, according to a new analysis by app intelligence provider That ranks it as one of the highest-performing new app releases across both this year and the last, topped only by the February 2022 arrival of the Trump-backed Twitter clone, Truth Social.

As consumer demand for AI chatbots heated up, other third-party apps calling themselves “ChatGPT” or “AI chatbot” have filled the App Store. While many of these were essentially fleeceware, trying to trick consumers into paying for expensive subscriptions to access their AI, a combined group of top apps still managed to pull in millions in consumer spending. This competitive landscape among AI chatbot apps could have created a tougher market for an official ChatGPT app to gain traction. But as it turns out, that was not the case.

Read more: TechCrunch