Bitcoin Trading Strategies In Germany

Like in other countries of the world, Bitcoin trading has become one of the most popular means of making money in Germany. Being a digital currency, Bitcoin can be used anywhere, regardless of nationality. The Bitcoin market is volatile, making it a good trading asset for people to make money. However, this same volatility makes it easy to lose money quickly.

Nonetheless, effective Bitcoin trading Strategies in Germany will ensure you stay one step ahead and keep you in profits in your Bitcoin trading Bitcoin. To ensure you make profits while trading Bitcoin in the German crypto market.

Best Bitcoin Trading Strategies in Germany

Here are some of the best Bitcoin trading strategies in Germany:

1.   Crypto Trading Robots

Crypto trading bots are currently the source of debate about whether they should be legal or illegal. For now, crypto bots are legal and are a great option to help with trading Bitcoin in Germany. Crypto trading robots are excellent for newbies in the Bitcoin trading market as the bots help make the trading process easier for them. Using these bots, you can start earning while trading Bitcoin, even when you don’t understand the market.

Trading with crypto trading robots is an automated process where the robot improves your success rate. There are many Crypto trading bots to use in Germany, a good example is the robot called Bitcoin era.

There are many reviews in German for this robot, and as said on the German site “Wir empfehlen Bitcoin Era als zusätzliches Tool für Handel zu nutzen, nicht als vollständigen Ersatz. Denke daran, nur mit so viel Geld zu handeln, wie du dir leisten kannst zu verlieren.”

This is translated in English as “We recommend using Bitcoin Era as an additional tool for trading, not as a full replacement. Remember to only trade with as much money as you can afford to lose.”

You can decide to set your Bitcoin trading bot up so that you’re the one that will have the final say on all transactions, and it will just simplify the process. On the other hand, you can set it up to make all the decisions by itself while only giving it some fundamental instructions. As of today, trading with Bitcoin trading robots is one of the most popular options in Germany.

2.   Arbitrage

Arbitrage is another popular Bitcoin trading strategy in Germany that involves trading in multiple markets. This Bitcoin trading strategy involves the user buying Bitcoin in one market and then selling it in another market. The principle here is that there will be a disparity in the value of Bitcoin in both markets. The profit here comes from the disparity between the values of Bitcoin in both markets and is known as Spread.

Profit in arbitrage trading strategy can come from a difference in liquidity and trading volumes of Bitcoin. Implementing this strategy will require the user to have at least two Bitcoin trading accounts on different exchange platforms. Bitcoin trading platforms usually have significant price disparities for their digital assets, making them ideal for the arbitrage strategy. Once you have two trading accounts on two exchanges that have different prices for Bitcoin, you can buy from one platform and sell the same amount on the other platform. This guarantees a profit, no matter how small.

3.   Personal Research

Carrying out personal research is one of the best and most effective Bitcoin trading strategies in Germany. You don’t need to be a Bitcoin trading expert to research and understand asset values. With the popularity of Bitcoin, there are numerous news outlets dedicated to publishing the latest Bitcoin news. By evaluating the value of Bitcoin, currencies, and other cryptocurrencies, you can easily decide where to invest.

By staying up-to-date on Bitcoin news in Germany daily, you can trade from an informed standpoint. Whether you are trading in the long-term or short-term, you must conduct the appropriate research. You will simply have to wait for the value of Bitcoin to drop to a level where you can invest. Once the value of Bitcoin rises, you can sell it and realize a profit. With the Bitcoin market being so volatile, its price can rise and fall several times daily. Therefore, you will need to stay connected to crypto exchange platforms and reliable news outlets to take advantage of these price movements.

4.   Range Trading

With range trading, you will need to understand the resistance and support points of Bitcoin in the market daily. Thanks to the current volume of traders and trading instructors in the Bitcoin market, you don’t need to be an expert to time both points. Experts usually provide such information on different platforms to help other Bitcoin traders.

The resistance level refers to the estimated price Bitcoin will rise to within a particular time. This value is usually higher than the price at the entry point into the Bitcoin market. On the other hand, the support level is the lowest price that Bitcoin is expected to reach. Both the resistance and support levels are estimated to be the expected value of Bitcoin at specific times. With this strategy, you can determine the best time to enter the market and the best time to exit and turn a profit. Your profit margin will be dependent on how well you time the market value of Bitcoin.


The Bitcoin trading market in Germany is rising, and more people are shifting into this industry. To minimize losses and get the best out of your Bitcoin investment, you need to have clear Bitcoin trading strategies in Germany. Employing multiple trading strategies is a great way to maximize your profit from the Bitcoin Market.